PEOPLE SUCK. That’s why you prefer to stay inside with your stuffed animal collection. But sometimes it’s a little hard to admit that in public. So we’ve carefully crafted a few extremely plausible excuses to get you out of all those pesky social obligations. Like happy hour. Your niece’s school play. Office parties. Your wedding.
Introvert Excuse Pencils
8-pack Standard No. 2 Pencils
Made in the USA
Box Size: 7 ½" H x 2 ½" W x ⅜" L
"Sorry, I have ebola"
"My legs fell off this morning"
"The damn toilet exploded"
"I've been abducted by aliens"
"I'm stuck at the Dubai airport"
"I accidentally drank some bleach"
"There's a wild boar in the driveway"
"People scare me"
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